Kohlrabi. Now there’s a vegetable you don’t see much of over here…. So much so that when it comes in Abel & Cole’s excellent veg box it really looks like an alien planted there to scare people. Even the mighty Nigel Slater seems to shie away – his excellent Tender part one doesn’t even mention the poor thing.
But receiving curious looking vegetables is a good excuse to go recipe-hunting. Good find today was the excellent Veg Box Recipes which yields receipes even for the forlorn Kohlrabi! Just peel, cut into 1/4 inch slices, mix with olive oil and a clove of garlic, and roast for about 20 minutes, then garnish with Parmesan. And there you have it. With stuffed chicken breasts from Drings (I'm sure I've posted about our favourite butcher before..) and roast potatatoes, it all works rather well:

Turns out, by the way, that Kohlrabi is very popular in Germany. We have much to learn...
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